Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Legacy Planning, "It's in your Hands"

As we get older, we hear this all the time "Life is Short". Yet, what have you done about it? How have you made sure that you will have left a "Legacy" that will always be remembered. Do you feel sometimes like the hamster on the wheel, running and running yet failing to take action by getting off the wheel? Often times, we talk about what we are going to do, but more of the times we put it off to a point we never do what we say, until it's forgotten.

Losing a loved one, is a feeling that no words can ever explain, yet life goes on. We can only hope with this week's post, you too will take a moment to reflect how fast life goes by, and actually take action on something you have always thought about, yet have not taken a moment to do. Howabout:
*updating your will & establishing a health care proxy
*establishing a budget
* speaking to a reputable independent financial advisor about your Life Plan
* buying life insurance or disability insurance
* donating time to a charity or meaningful cause
* allocating more time to your family
* or something as simple as going out & cleaning the garage
...whatever it may be...

Make Today the Day You took Action
Tomorrow a Day of Peace of Mind
What is your Legacy?

Looking for a reputable Advisor?
email: info@moneynmusic

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