* Is currently the "Director Of Operations" for "On The Brink Music"
* A&R Consultant at Rich Soil Entertainment
* Director Of Operations at Ill Will Records
* A&R Consultant at Island Def Jam Music Group
On The Brink Music is a full service management and consulting company, which provides representation to: Recording Artists, Producers, Song Writers & DJ's. Management and Consulting services include: A&R consulting, Artist Development, Management, Marketing & Promotion and Contract Negotiation.
So if that doesn't make you want to sit back, get your pens & paper, press play, rewind, and play again, we really don't know what more we can do. Though it is TAX SEASON!!! So having Mike on the show was somewhat timely for next week's show...(ie. Nas situation with Uncle Sam, click here). That's right!!! listen in...

As we expected, Mike Brinkley, Money Mike, & Cool V, did just that dropped some heavy...did anyone catch that little nugget??? http://www.audiolife.com/ or howabout adding your Taxes to your Fixed Expenses in your budget, instead of letting them come due, & wonder where you will be getting the money from to pay them? We'll talk more about that next week, on the show, "Tax Season", so let's get right into it, this week's recap.
Artist Management
If you haven't listened to this week's show with Mike Brinkley, here is some of what you missed. Artists/Business Owners, have to realize that you are the Brand, and that your Brand Identity is everything. One of the main points, Mike talked about in succeeding or taking your profession to the next level is, your FAN BASE (or Clientele). Labels, managers, promoters..etc...are going to want to see you have an established following your consumer, one who is purchasing or supporting your product. Money Mike asked that specific question, "What do you look for in an up & coming artist?" We've heard it before but he just solidified having to have PASSION, DRIVE, Work Ethic, and most of all a PLAN in place.
What are some things to look for when deciding upon a manager? Reputation, Experience, Connections, and Belief in YOU.
What will be your costs when signing on a manager? Typically 20% of your earnings, but as we always say in Business everything is negotiable. Though without a PLAN, a Fan Base/Following, Internet & Industry Presence, your bargaining power will most likely be very limited, so you may want to rethink even taking on a manager at that stage of your career.
What will a manager provide? Negotiation of Contracts, Networks to the Industry, Marketing Plan/Campaign, Radio Campaign, Branding, most of all Direction on how to succeed.
Artist Management, these days is tricky just like the Business and 360 Deals with Labels. So it is why to do your homework, know all you can, seek experience counsel, read the books/articles, before jumping into any contract. You may not even need a Manager at your stage of your business start-up, and maybe ever. So like Mike said, at the end of the day Spend your Money wisely, and know all you can, most importantly MONEY & MUSIC stresses build your foundation. Make sure your team is in place one by one, before thinking because your Music/Product is the Hottest thing out or your Belief & Passion is like no other in yourself/Company, that you are going to BLOW & Hit it Big. We all too often see that being the biggest downfall to many companies/professionals successes, spending money they don't have on a Dream, without laying the GROUNDWORK necessary to reach that dream.
We found this book to give more insight on "This Business of Artist Management" (CLICK HERE) , & we HIGHLY suggest, re-listen to this week's show, some heavy Nuggets were dropped, so you too don't make the same mistakes many are making & those before you made along the way.

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email: info@moneynmusic.com
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